Ace Hardware Corp. is the latest major company to be hit with a cybersecurity intrusion that is disrupting operations. The following is a communication sent by Ace President and CEO John Venhuizen to all Ace members and retail customers:
Ace Retailers,
On Sunday morning, we detected a cybersecurity incident that is impacting the majority of our IT systems. As a result of this incident, many of our key operating systems, including ACENET, our Warehouse Management Systems, the Ace Retailer Mobile Assistant (ARMA), Hot Sheets, Invoices, Ace Rewards and the Care Center’s phone system have been interrupted or suspended. More specifically, the impact of this incident is resulting in disruptions to your shipments. Scheduled deliveries will not be occurring on Monday, October 30, 2023. Additionally, we are requesting that you hold off on placing additional orders on Monday.
Your Ace team, along with the support of a group of technical forensic experts, is working feverishly to resolve this situation. Nothing is more important than restoring all operations as soon as humanly possible. As we are dealing with a fast moving, dynamic situation, details will be changing rapidly. We are committed to a steady flow of communication to keep you abreast of the situation.
While this is a dreadfully unfortunate situation, we will tackle it head on and get through it as a team. Thank you for your support and understanding.
John Venhuizen, President & CEO