Utility Transfer Tank and Utility SureCan with Spigot SureCan

SureCan builds upon its innovative portable gas dispensing system and launches the Utility Transfer Tank and Utility SureCan with Spigot. The Utility Can dispenses all non-fuel based liquids including vehicle coolant, DEF, windshield wiper fluid, water and so much more. The Utility Can uses the same high-quality six-layer wall construction, tested up to 60 PSI, and is airtight.
The Utility SureCan with Spigot replaces the blue spout with a spigot primarily for the dispensing of water. The addition of the spigot creates a simple and easy way to dispense water handsfree after turning on the spigot. Since the Utility Can uses gravity to dispense the fluid there is no need to add air pressure or any parts that may fail in the future. The can is also constructed using BPA free materials, so it’s 100 percent safe for drinking water.

We received our test products in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and state shutdown orders. With an emphasis on handwashing and a shortage of hand sanitizer, the Utility SureCan with Spigot was extremely popular with all our testers. The Utility Can creates a portable easy-to-use hand washing station. With a capacity of either 2 or 5 gallons, the Utility Can easily handles a day’s worth of hand washing. Click here to view the Utility SureCan with Spigot in action.
The Utility Can is not only a portable handwashing station but a perfect solution when clean freshwater is needed for utility or drinking. The applications are almost endless from pets, camping and other outdoor activities. One of our testers liked the easy functionality when they used the Utility Can to water their plants. With all of the possible applications, the Utility Transfer Tank and Utility SureCan with Spigot go well beyond a portable handwashing station.