MULE Garage Fan

A new brand name is entering the independent hardware channel with two products scheduled to launch later this year. The new brand is named MULE, and the company launching it has more than 25 years of experience in the home hardware and ceiling fan industry.
The first product we could get our hands on is their Garage Fan, but click here to also learn about their Mobile Workshop, which will be coming to the market soon.
The MULE Garage Fan is a powerful swivel fan that can move 3300 CFM when on high. The fan has a 6″ and 12″ downrod to maximize placement, and the standard three-prong plug attached to a 96″ cord eliminates the need for hard wiring. The fan is also Damp Rated, ensuring years of service.
We supplied fans to a group of DIY homeowners searching for an easy solution to working in the South Florida heat. All of our testers commented on the easy and straightforward installation, especially considering the fan does not need to be hardwired or installed with special tools. Stay tuned to future issues for updates on when the Garage Fan is available for orders and our review of the MULE Mobile Workshop.