Bitter Coated Lithium Coin Batteries | Duracell

As any parent can attest, young children love to explore the world around them by touching, tasting, smelling, poking, climbing as they learn. It’s this curiosity that leads parents to “childproof” their homes to limit the chances of this behavior turning into a life-threatening event. We all have heard, “it only takes a second…” and something happens to change everyone’s life forever.
One potential danger most parents do not recognize sitting in plain sight in virtually every room of the house is batteries. And more specifically lithium coin batteries. As a father, it never crossed my mind that young children would put a coin battery into their mouth or worse attempt to swallow it. Every year hundreds of children accidentally ingest lithium coin batteries. In as little as two hours, a harmful chemical reaction takes place putting the child’s life in immediate danger. Click here to watch a video of how one family’s life was turned upside down in an instant.

Duracell has taken a leadership role to help prevent accidental ingestion and educate parents on the danger of lithium coin batteries. The company has launched a new line of lithium coin batteries treated with a bitter coating to discourage ingestion. The new battery was awarded the prestigious award of Parent Tested Parent Approved (PTPA) Winners Seal of Approval. For more information on the product and campaign, click here.
This section is about using independent testers to try various products and write about their feedback. Since I could not encourage one tester to “take one for the team” and describe the taste of the bitter coating, I was left to do it myself. The taste is that of a mix of bitterness with a hint of acidic flavor. Think of a lemon on steroids with a prolonged bitter aftertaste.
The Duracell bitter coated lithium coin batteries are available in 2032, 2025 and 2016 sizes. The package is clearly labeled with a child with its tongue out and features a child-secure double-blister package design requiring scissors to remove the battery. Educate your staff and customers on the dangers of lithium coin batteries and how the Duracell bitter coating is a safe alternative. As for the bitter coating, it’s non-toxic so feel free to try it for yourself. However, I recommend it after lunch.