LED Retrofit Kit

LED Retrofit Kits are designed for a variety of uses and applications and feature longer life cycle, low maintenance costs, simple installation, affordability, versatility and high-performance energy efficiency.
Energy-efficient, high-quality design means that the end user will enjoy energy savings without any drop in performance. You will be able to sell superior illumination and cost-cutting operation with one product able to replace many existing fixtures.
Heat is the most significant enemy of efficiency and a longer life cycle. The hotter any lighting system operates at, the shorter lifespan it will have. This is why Optilumen spends more time on thermal management than any other competitor.
Other manufacturers will often accept operating temperatures of 70-100 Celsius, but Optilumen does not settle for such high temps. Its RKT linear fluorescent lighting fixture retrofit kits have a standard average operating temperature of 38-42° Celsius.
www.optilumen.com | 844-438-5444