CISA, FBI Talk Bomb Prevention with the Public
On August 9, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) invite the public and media to a special event forOperation Flashpoint, a public awareness bomb prevention campaign aimed at teaching recognition and resiliency for store owners, employees and shoppers.
A joint CISA and FBI presentation will be held August 9 from 3-6 p.m. at Josephs’ Hardware in Fort Collins, Colo. Learn first-hand from senior CISA and FBI officials why public and business involvement is crucial to keep our communities safe.
Operation Flashpoint is a joint CISA-FBI initiative to build awareness in communities across the country to prevent bomb attacks. The awareness and education campaign encourages businesses and the public to voluntarily report suspicious activities, such as buying large amounts or a combination of chemicals and materials that can be used to build bombs. In 2020 alone, there were 2,061 bomb threats, suspicious package and device-related incidents nationwide.
The campaign demonstrates a strong unity of federal government between the Departments of Justice (FBI) and Homeland Security (CISA) in safeguarding citizens and critical infrastructure. CISA and FBI have been hosting awareness events across the nation since June 30, 2021.
Report suspicious activity by calling 800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324). If you see something, say something; and join us August 9, 2022. Follow #OperationFlashpoint on Twitter: @CISAgov and @CISAInfraSec